Amitiel's Dog House

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Welcome Back everyone to our dog house!

Your guide for today will be me, Max. As you can see from the last posting our family is growing,....... quite literally.

So much is happening. Mom & Dad are preparing for a trip to Alaska. Mom has arranged for a dog/house sitter. (Oh boy, someone unusual for us to play with.) The game room is being painted and new exterior front doors were installed. Storm panels are being installed to help protect us from hurricanes (very scary things) - Master Shields by . All this to make the dog house safe and beautiful for us!!

Sugar graduates from obedience class this week. Mom wants Sugar to have another set or 2 of classes, not to sure if Sugar wants to do that. Last week, only Sugar showed for class (bad weather), so she had what amounts to a private lesson and critique. Everyone in the class is doing so well that they are ahead of schedule by a few weeks.

Vet Updates!

We recently went to see our vet(s). We are healthy, happy and in our proper weight ranges; Amy is 14 yrs old and 7 pounds (that is surprising, never thought she weighted that much); Scooter is 5 yrs old and 15 pounds, down 1 pound from last year (Sugar & I keep him running a lot more now. He is nice and trim); Sugar is over 30 pounds and 18 weeks old this weekend; I am exactly 110.4 pounds.

Dr. Bell says that like a teenage boy, I may now "fill-out", mostly in the chest area, but have probably reached my height. That is ok, anything Mom can reach . . . . .so can I. I may even get more muscle tone. That would be something, I am already stronger than Mom and can make dad work up a sweat.

I have now stopped chewing on everything, but guess who has begun to start her chewing stage, Sugar, she doesn't seem to like frozen carrots, but loves all my toys and the rare stick.

Sugar & I went to the groomers on Saturday. My, they did a great job. We even got bandanas, I really like mine . I am still wearing it 3 days later. Scooter & Amy get to go on Thursday. It is hard for all us to go at the same time in the truck (I've heard a rumor were looking for a van).

Leave us a comment or question, we loving reading and answering questions in future post!!