Amitiel's Dog House

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Oh Man!

Dad (RoyalT) stopped all the fun the other night, or should I say very early morning!

I was outside minding (and doing) my own business; when guess what comes wandering across the the backyard. An oppossum.

One bark from my big voice sends the creature into "playing 'possum'" and brings out Scooter, or as Dad calls him - Sargent Master Scooter McGee. Scooter always runs head (face) right into everything. Thank goodness for the extra hair around his face as oppossums bite.

Now here is this shih tzu and his non-stop barking to bring out big brother, Max. The oppossum wakes again and attempts to continue the journey across the yard. Not going to be left alone to do this, with Scooter, Max & myself (Sugar) barking and attacking it.

Dad comes out, oh boy does he seem excited. He tries calling us off; but Scooter grabs the tail of the "fainted" oppossum and starts dragging it off. Now Mom is calling us, esp Scooter. It seems real important that we go inside now. We finally do as Amitiel & RoyalT want, but we are not to happy about it. (We are ok, as Mom ck'd us each throughly!)

Seems Dad has thrown a bucket over the animal and has taken a shovel to pick-up the oppossum and bucket too. The whole lot gets carried out of the yard to a nearby park and only the shovel and bucket come back.

Seems the oppussum was female and giving birth while this was going on, 4 babies seen. This state says that you must leave oppossums alone, but Dad and Mom don't want us to get hurt by their teeth. Yes they are silly!

Just another exciting night in central Florida. As happens sometimes, Dad and Mom stop the fun between us and the "wild-life" in the area.

Well everyone - have a good nap!
Luv 'ya!